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geometry_topology_data_science_spring_2024 [2024/05/30 12:23] – [Week 23] Diaaeldin Tahageometry_topology_data_science_spring_2024 [2025/03/01 08:54] (current) – [Organization] Diaaeldin Taha
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 ===== Organization ===== ===== Organization =====
-  * **The Organizers**: Alvaro Diaz, Marzieh Eidi, Celia Hacker, Guillermo Restrepo, Daniel Spitz, Diaaeldin Taha, Francesca Tombari+  * **The Organizers**: Marzieh Eidi, Diaaeldin Taha
   * **MPI Seminar Page**: [[https://www.mis.mpg.de/events/series/mathematical-methods-in-data-science|Mathematical Methods in Data Science]]   * **MPI Seminar Page**: [[https://www.mis.mpg.de/events/series/mathematical-methods-in-data-science|Mathematical Methods in Data Science]]
   * **Contact**: To contact the organizers, email the lab at ''lab [at] mis [dot] mpg [dot] de''.   * **Contact**: To contact the organizers, email the lab at ''lab [at] mis [dot] mpg [dot] de''.
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 ^ Week        ^ Date       ^ Time         ^ Location   ^ Speaker              ^ Title                                   ^ ^ Week        ^ Date       ^ Time         ^ Location   ^ Speaker              ^ Title                                   ^
 ^ Week 19     | Fri 10.05  | 09:00–10:30  | E1 05      | Justin Curry         | “To Predict is NOT to Explain” | ^ Week 19     | Fri 10.05  | 09:00–10:30  | E1 05      | Justin Curry         | “To Predict is NOT to Explain” |
-^ Week 20     | Fri 17.05  | 09:00–10:30  | ---        | ---                  | [[https://www.mis.mpg.de/events/series/combinatorial-algebraic-geometry-from-physics|CAG Conference]] - **NO MEETING**|+^ Week 20     | Fri 17.05  | ---  | ---        | ---                  | [[https://www.mis.mpg.de/events/series/combinatorial-algebraic-geometry-from-physics|CAG Conference]] - **NO MEETING**|
 ^ Week 21     | Fri 24.05  | 09:00–10:30  | G3 10      | Celia Hacker         | What are Graph Neural Networks? | ^ Week 21     | Fri 24.05  | 09:00–10:30  | G3 10      | Celia Hacker         | What are Graph Neural Networks? |
-|              | TBA          | TBA        | Francesca Tombari    | TDA Course 01/06                        | 
 ^ Week 22     | Fri 31.05  | 09:00–10:30  | G3 10      | Jeff Philips         | The Geometry of Kernel Methods and Kernel Range Spaces | ^ Week 22     | Fri 31.05  | 09:00–10:30  | G3 10      | Jeff Philips         | The Geometry of Kernel Methods and Kernel Range Spaces |
-|              | TBA          | G3 10      | Francesca Tombari    | TDA Course 02/06                        | 
 ^ Week 23     | Fri 07.06  | 09:00–10:30  | E1 05      | Simon Telen | Chebyshev varieties | ^ Week 23     | Fri 07.06  | 09:00–10:30  | E1 05      | Simon Telen | Chebyshev varieties |
-|              | ---          | ---        | Francesca Tombari    | **NO COURSE**                           | +^ Week 24     | Fri 14.06  | 09:00–10:30  | G3 10      | Parvaneh Joharinad | Mathematical Foundations of Dimensionality Reduction |
-^ Week 24     | Fri 14.06  | 09:00–10:30  | G3 10      | Parvaneh Joharinad | TBA                                     | +
-|              | TBA          | G3 10      | Francesca Tombari    | TDA Course 03/06                        |+
 ^ Week 25     | Fri 21.06  | 09:00–10:30  | E1 05      | Bei Wang             | Topology-Preserving Data Compression | ^ Week 25     | Fri 21.06  | 09:00–10:30  | E1 05      | Bei Wang             | Topology-Preserving Data Compression |
-|              | TBA          | TBA        | Francesca Tombari    | TDA Course 04/06                        | 
 ^ Week 26     | Fri 28.06  | ---          | ---        | ---                  | [[https://scads.ai/education/summer-schools/summer-school-2024/|ScaDS Summer School]] - **NO MEETING** | ^ Week 26     | Fri 28.06  | ---          | ---        | ---                  | [[https://scads.ai/education/summer-schools/summer-school-2024/|ScaDS Summer School]] - **NO MEETING** |
-|              | TBA          | TBA        | Francesca Tombari    | TDA Course 05/06                        | +^ Week 27     | Fri 05.07  | 09:00–10:30  | E1 05      | Marzieh Eidi | Quantitative and Qualitative Mathematical Data Analysis 
-^ Week 27     | Fri 05.07  | 09:00–10:30  | E1 05      | Marzieh Eidi | TBA                                     | +^ Week 28     | Fri 12.07  | 09:00–10:30  | E1 05      | Karel Devriendt | Spanning Trees, Effective Resistances and Curvature on Graphs |
-|              | TBA          | TBA        | Francesca Tombari    | TDA Course 06/06                        +
-^ Week 28     | Fri 12.07  | 09:00–10:30  | E1 05      | Karel Devriendt | TBA                                     | +
-^ Week 29     | Fri 19.07  | 09:00–10:30  | E2 10      | SPEAKER TBA          | TBA                                     | +
-^ Week 30     | Fri 26.07  | 09:00–10:30  | E1 05      | SPEAKER TBA          | TBA                                     |+
 ===== Abstracts ===== ===== Abstracts =====
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 ==== Week 24 ==== ==== Week 24 ====
 +**Speaker**: Parvaneh Joharinad (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Science, Germany)
 +**Coordinates**: [[https://www.mis.mpg.de/events/event/mathematical-foundations-of-dimensionality-reduction|Fri 14.06, 9–10:30 AM, G3 10]]
 +**Title**: Mathematical Foundations of Dimensionality Reduction
 +**Abstract**: Dimensionality reduction is a crucial technique in data analysis and machine learning, enabling the simplification of complex high-dimensional datasets while preserving their intrinsic structures. In this talk we will present the mathematical footings of several prominent dimensionality reduction methods: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Isomap, Laplace Eigenmaps, etc. We will explore the specific optimization objectives and the role of weight assignments within k-neighborhood graphs for each method. By examining the theoretical frameworks and optimization processes, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of how these techniques transform metric relationships within data into meaningful lower dimensional representations.  Insights into the mathematical principles that drive these algorithms highlight their unique approaches to capturing and preserving data structures.
 ==== Week 25 ==== ==== Week 25 ====
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 ==== Week 27 ==== ==== Week 27 ====
 +**Speaker**: [[https://sites.google.com/view/marzieheidi|Marzieh Eidi]] (ScaDS.AI, Germany)
 +**Coordinates**: [[https://www.mis.mpg.de/events/event/quantitative-and-qualitative-mathematical-data-analysis-examples-differences-and-connections|Fri 05.07, 9–10:30 AM, MiS E1 05]]
 +**Title**: Quantitative and Qualitative Mathematical Data Analysis: Examples, differences, and connections.
 +**Abstract**: In this talk, I am going to present a hopefully intuitive (and less technical) overview of some powerful geometric, topological and stochastic methods for analyzing the shape, and structure of complex data. These methods are becoming more and more popular in complex network analysis and machine learning. After presenting some of the main applications, I will present the idea of how these methods are connected, and in particular, what is a connection between geometry and topology, and how we can consider topology as a fluid geometry? And what are some of the main applications of this dynamic viewpoint?
 ==== Week 28 ==== ==== Week 28 ====
-==== Week 29 ====+**Speaker**: [[https://sites.google.com/view/kareldevriendt/|Karel Devriendt]] (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Science, Germany) 
 +**Coordinates**: [[https://www.mis.mpg.de/events/event/diversity-measures-for-data-in-metric-spaces|Fri 12.07, 9–10:30 AM, MiS E1 05]] 
 +**Title**: Spanning Trees, Effective Resistances and Curvature on Graphs
-==== Week 30 ====+**Abstract**: Kirchhoff's celebrated matrix tree theorem expresses the number of spanning trees of a graph as the maximal minor of the Laplacian matrix of the graph. In modern language, this determinantal counting formula reflects the fact that spanning trees form a regular matroid. In this talk, I will discuss some consequences of this perspective for the study of a related quantity from electrical circuit theory: the effective resistance. I will give a new characterization of effective resistances in terms of a certain polytope and discuss applications to recent work on discrete notions of curvature based on the effective resistance.
  • geometry_topology_data_science_spring_2024.1717071784.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/05/30 12:23
  • by Diaaeldin Taha